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Filtered by Tag Lumber Market Data
CME Lumber Futures

Changes Made to the CME Lumber Futures Contract 2022

The unpredictable nature of lumber prices as seen over time has given rise to confusion amongst buyers and sellers who have been forced to navigate their businesses amidst extreme volatility. Fortunately for traders, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Group has recently launched updates to the lumber futures & options on a futures contract to reduce price volatility in the market.

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CME Lumber Futures

A Deeper Understanding of the CME Lumber Futures

Lumber futures can be defined as an option or obligation to buy or sell a specified quantity of lumber at a specific price at a predetermined date in the future. A futures contract is a standardised derivative contract that gets its value from an underlying asset. This contract is between two parties who intend to buy or sell a specified amount of product at a specific time in the future. Lumber futures are traded at the CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange).

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