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BC, Ottawa officials approve recent NAFTA ruling on US softwood lumber duties

BC, Ottawa officials approve recent NAFTA ruling on US softwood lumber duties

Posted on October 16, 2023   |  

Officials in Ottawa and BC expressed satisfaction with a NAFTA ruling that raises concerns about the U.S. approach to calculating softwood lumber duties, suggesting it may not align with U.S. laws.

A panel within the North American Trade Agreement (NAFTA), known as Chapter 19, has made a judgment regarding Canada's complaint against the U.S. Department of Commerce. 

The provision under NAFTA, Chapter 19, allows for special groups to review decisions related to issues like unfair trade practices. 

These specialized panels serve as an alternative to the traditional legal process.

The panel has advised the U.S. Department of Commerce to reevaluate specific parts of their decision.

The panel agreed with the U.S. Commerce Department on some matters but requested further explanations in three areas: pricing methods and tax treatment.