Finnish logging volumes saw a 7% drop in January-September
Posted on November 3, 2023 |
In September 2023, Finland harvested 4.6 million m³ of roundwood for industrial purposes, showing a 20% decrease from the same month last year.
During the period from January to September, Finland's total timber harvesting volume amounted to 42.7 million m³, marking a 7% decline compared to 2022 and the preceding 5 years.
Within the overall industrial roundwood removal, sawlogs accounted for 2.2 million m³, while pulpwood constituted 2.4 million m³.
The removal of roundwood from non-industrial private forests decreased by 26% compared to the previous year, amounting to 3.5 million m³.
Timber harvesting in forests owned by timber industry enterprises and state forests in September reached 1.1 million m³, which was 4% less than the previous year.
Additionally, about 42% of the total exported energy wood comprised cut trunks and whole trees.