Germany's Ziegler Group acquired HS Timber Productions Sebes in Austria
Posted on April 19, 2023 |
Ziegler Group signed a contract in April 2023 to purchase the HS Timber Productions Sebes SRL from the Austrian HS Timber Group.
The transaction will complete in the middle of the year after the approval of officials and the purchase price is not yet revealed.
Since 2016, the expansion in Romania is restricted to 30% of the annual volume of each range for the HS Timber Group as the geopolitical situation stopped raw material supplies from Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus to Romania.
However, with the acquisition, HS Timber Group bolsters its long-term presence in Romania and uses the capacities of its existing plants more efficiently.
The HS Timber Group operates a sawing and carpentry plate plant and glued wood production at other locations in Romania and further sawmill locations in Germany and Finland.
The sawmill location is in the center of Romania, which is ideal for purchasing and sales activities of the group of companies