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New Brunswick to cut timber royalty fees up to $50 million

Posted on May 8, 2023   |  

The New Brunswick provincial government is proposing up to $50 million in deductions, after raising royalty fees for 7 months, in which some rates will fall back to a decade ago.

The most influential is the 46% deduction in the costs for softwood sawlogs and stud wood used by New Brunswick sawmills.

Last summer, New Brunswick raised timber royalties on trees cut by the forestry industry on provincially owned land. 

The higher royalties were to support a new private woodlot sustainability fund to manage the lots of smaller private woodlot owners.

The price drop will cost the province and save forest companies $50 million (CAD) in fees in 2023. The lower government log prices will also prevent forestry companies from harvesting logs on private woodlots.