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German trade union ver.di rejects ZDS collective agreement, sparks strike concerns

German trade union ver.di rejects ZDS collective agreement, sparks strike concerns

Posted on August 30, 2024   |  

The German trade union ver.di has rejected the ZDS’s collective agreement offer, raising the possibility of strikes.

In the fourth round of talks for a new agreement for 11,500 employees at German North Sea ports, ZDS proposed two options with different terms.

A survey of ver.di members found both options unsatisfactory, leading to a vote for renegotiation.

Option 1 included a 12-month term with a €1,000 inflation bonus, a €0.95 hourly wage increase from January 1, higher shift bonuses, and a €480 boost in annual holiday pay.

Option 2 offered a 16-month term with a €1,400 inflation bonus, a €1.15 hourly wage increase from January 1, and similar shift bonuses and holiday pay increases as Option 1.

The contract with ZDS expired this year, causing periodic warning strikes at ports in Hamburg, Bremen, Bremerhaven, Wilhelmshaven, Brake, and Emden.

The ongoing strikes highlight dissatisfaction with the proposed offers and the need for further negotiations.